1 Check your PC’ Com port availability
Most current PC have only one com port, usually is COM1
check your new com port: Start->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manger
In this case, as shown in following picture is COM1 available, now you can connect the Weavefuture Coin Acceptor AK5’s RS232 cable (this cable is specially made for AK5, do not use it for other device or use other RS232 cable for AK5, do so may cause damages) to the COM1 port of your PC.
If you use USB-RS232 converter you will see the virtue com port like COM3
We also have another version of USB-RS232 driver.
http://www.weavefuture.com/download/USB ... ceptor.zip
you also can change the com port number by following step
double click the selected com port for example COM3 in the above picture.

"port setting"->Advanced->change the Com Port Number to any other available number for example COM1 ->OK.
2 Install the software.
A. Login Windows 2000/XP/Vista as a user of Administrator.
B. If you have not installed old version please skip this step. Remove old version if you have install the old version before by select Start->All-Programs->Control Panel->add or Remove Programs -> remove. Please reboot after remove the old version
If it is Vista, you need to disable the UAC first. http://forum.weavefuture.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2881
C. Download software from http://www.weavefuture.com/download/bil ... tkiosk.zip or you will be informed the detail URL location after you purchase the Weavefuture Coin Acceptor AK5 System.
http://www.weavefuture.com/coin_accepto ... _kiosk.htm
Do not change the software's setting from test to production until you have hardware Weavefuture Coin Acceptor AK5 configured and attached the its RS232 Cable to the right com port of you PC (default COM1), otherwise it may cause you PC to locked and you have to reinstall Operation System.
D. Click downloaded software CoinOpInternetCafeKioskSoftware.msi.
E. Run CoinOpInternetCafeKioskSoftware.msi by double click it in the Windows Explore (not IE)
F. Following the default setting until finished the setup.
G. Reboot your PC after the software installed.
3 Configure the Weavefuture Coin Acceptor Driver and Usage time of PC
The following Configuration Window show:
The Com port is default COM1.
Send the Demo ID to sales@weavefuture.com ask for license key. Please note the license key is only release once for the actual PC which you are used for internet kiosk.
This is default setting for Canadian Coin Sets. If you want to change check the check box “Make Change” and click “Save Change” after you done the change
The Com Port default is COM1; you may change it to match your PC’s Com port, which attached the Weavefuture Coin Acceptor AK5.
If you PC's OS is Windows Vista, you need to disable the UAC first.
For How to disable the UAC, check following link
If the Green Arrow is not turn green, the there is communication or configuration problem between the PC and Bill acceptor.
1 Check if the background service is running.
Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tool->Services

check if this CoinService is exist and started.
You may need to reinstall the software by login an account as administrator (not run as an administrator)
2. check if the com port number in the software is match the hardware com port number where the bill acceptor is connect to.